Our services.



We treat multiple injuries/conditions including:

  • post surgical rehabilitation

  • orthopedic injuries

  • balance/coordination deficits

  • overuse injuries

  • muscle imbalances

  • neck/low back pain

  • decreased mobility

  • and much more


Dry Needling

Dry needling is a treatment performed by a trained and certified physical therapist using a thin monofilament needle which penetrates the skin to stimulate the tissue and release muscular trigger points. The goal of dry needling is to release muscular tension, reduce pain and restore function.


Manual Therapy

Manual physical therapy is hands on treatment performed by a skilled and licensed therapist to decrease muscular tightness and restrictions, reduce pain, and improve overall mobility. Examples of manual techniques include: spine and joint manipulation and mobilization, soft tissue massage, traction, and active release techniques.


Sports Rehabilitation

Injuries sustained during sports and athletic participation can be frustrating and when untreated can lead to more significant problems. Our team has experience working with everyone from Division I athletes, marathon runners, power lifters, and CrossFitters to casual gym goers and those just looking to stay or get back in shape. We will work with you to return to pre-injured level and get you back to your sport as soon as possible. Whether you are an athlete or weekend warrior, our team will individualize your treatment to help you achieve your goals. Prevention is an important aspect of sports rehabilitation. Our therapists provide education on mechanics and mobility exercises to help prevent future injuries.



Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is the use of instruments with beveled edges that is used to treat soft tissue restrictions. The instruments help to increase blood flow, break down myofascial restrictions and scar tissue, and improve flexibility of the tissue. IASTM can be used to treat multiple muscular injuries including but not limited to: post surgical scars, neck and back pain, general muscle tightness, plantar fasciitis, tennis/golfer’s elbow.



Treatments designed for our active individuals who have general muscle soreness/tightness and are looking for soft tissue work and/or manual stretching to help the body recover. Treatments may include: soft tissue mobilization, IASTM, passive range of motion, active release techniques, Normatec compression system, and heat/ice.